





  • Article
    Saeidfar, Asal and Kırlıoğlu, Ahmet Can and Alkan Gürsel, Selmiye and Yeşilyurt, Serhat (2025) "Role of catalyst layer composition in the degradation of low platinum-loaded proton exchange membrane fuel cell cathodes: an experimental analysis", Journal of Power Sources, Vol.625 (SCI)
    Yousefimiab, Elham and Kendibilir, Abdullah and Yalçın, Y. and Cardillo, C. and Aydoğan, E. and Kefal, Adnan (2025) "Thermomechanical process modelling and simulation for additive manufacturing of nanoparticle dispersed Inconel 718 alloys", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Vol.37, No.1 (SCI)
    Parizad Benam, Behnam and Mohammadilooey, Mandana and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Cakir, Ece and Acar, Havva Yagci and Park, Hyun Sun and Koşar, Ali (2025) "On saturated flow boiling heat transfer of deionized water/ferrofluid on structured surfaces with or without external magnetic field", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.236, No.Part 2 (SCI)
    Kefal, Adnan and Bilgin, Mahmut Hüdayi and Kendibilir, Abdullah (2024) "Particle inverse method for full-field displacement and crack propagation monitoring from discrete sensor measurements", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.432, No.Part A (SCI)
    Kheyabani, Aryan and Kefal, Adnan (2024) "Integrating parametric HFGMC and isogeometric RZT{3,2} for multiscale damage modeling of composite structures: a numerical and experimental study", Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.204 (SCI)
    Soliman Tolba, Yomna Soliman Mohammed and Al-Khodor, Jana and Yildirim Köken, Gülnaz and Mustafaoğlu, Nur (2024) "A guide for blood-brain barrier models". Published Online First
    Çakır, Nilüfer and Öztürk, Naile and Kara, Aslı and Zarrabi, Ali and Mustafaoğlu, Nur (2024) "Optimizing niosomal formulations for enhanced cellular applications", Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.2024 (ESCI)
    Mumcuoğlu, Mehmet Emin and Farea, Shawqi Mohammed Othman and Ünel, Mustafa and Mise, Serdar and Unsal, Simge and Cevik, Enes and Yilmaz, Metin and Koprubasi, Kerem (2024) "Detecting APS failures using LSTM-AE and anomaly transformer enhanced with human expert analysis", Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol.165 (SCI)
    Aydemir, Eren and Ünel, Mustafa (2024) "Motion planning and path following for autonomous navigation and reversing of a full-scale mining truck and trailer system". Published Online First
    Muganlı, Zülal and Bütün, İsmail and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Electricity generation using a microbial 3D bio-anode embedded bio-photovoltaic cell in a microfluidic chamber", Energy Advances, Vol.3, No.10, 2439-2452 (ESCI)
    Özogul, Beyzanur and Akar, Ünal and Mercimek, Rabia and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Seyedmirzaei Sarraf, Seyedali and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Ansari Hamedani, Ali and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Amani, Ehsan and Elverdi, Tugrul and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Hydrodynamic cavitation-induced thrombolysis on a clot-on-a-chip platform". Published Online First
    Kenanoglu, Celal Umut and Patoğlu, Volkan (2024) "Passive realizations of series elastic actuation: effects of plant and controller dynamics on haptic rendering performance", IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol.17, No.4, 882-899 (SCI)
    Zemzemoğlu, Muhammed and Ünel, Mustafa and Tunç, Lütfi Taner (2024) "Enhancing automated fiber placement process monitoring and quality inspection: a hybrid thermal vision based framework", Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.285 (SCI)
    Choupani, Andisheh and Temuçin, Elif Şevval and Çiftci Dede, Eda and Bakan Mısırlıoğlu, Feray and Çamiç, Büşra Tuğba and Özkoç, Güralp and Sezen, Meltem and Korkusuz, Petek and Korkusuz, Feza and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "Design of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and poly(ethylene glycol) microneedle arrays for delivering glycosaminoglycan, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid". Published Online First
    Hasim, K. A. and Kefal, Adnan (2024) "Free and forced vibration analysis of piezolaminated plates via an isogeometric layerwise finite element". Published Online First
    Alipour Ghassabi, Ata and Razgordanisharahi, Ali and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Kiani, Yaser and Hellmich, Christian (2024) "An exact analytical method for free vibration analysis of FG-GPLRC sector cylindrical shells under Levy-type boundary conditions". Published Online First
    Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Güler, Tayfun and Amin, Saifa and Apak, Ahmet Muhtar and Apak, Alper and Parlak, Murat and Tastan, Umur and Kaya, İsmet İnönü and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Effect of graphene coating on flow boiling in a minichannel at sub-atmospheric pressures", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.229 (SCI)
    Maleki, Mohammadamin and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Toyran, Erçil and Priyadarshi, Abhinav and Sheibani Aghdam, Araz and Villanueva, Luis Guillermo and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Tzanakis, Iakovos and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2024) "New insights on cavitating flows over a microscale backward-facing step", Physics of Fluids, Vol.36, No.9 (SCI)
    Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Baresel, Christian and Ghorbani, Reza and Tzanakis, Iakovos and Koşar, Ali and Grishenkov, Dmitry and Ghorbani, Morteza (2024) "Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from wastewater using the hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip concept", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.495 (SCI)
    Pirouzfam, Niloufar and Mashinchi Abbasi, Payam and Şendur, Kürşat (2024) "Inverted optical functionality of phase change material surfaces through Mie resonances of VO2@Si core–shell structures", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, Vol.41, No.9, 1936-1946 (SCI)
    Lotfan, Saeed and Dedekoy, Demir and Bediz, Bekir and Cigeroglu, Ender (2024) "A weak-form spectral Chebyshev technique for nonlinear vibrations of rotating functionally graded beams", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.31, No.16, 3651-3665 (SCI)
    Sheikhi, Mohammad and Anamagh, Mirmeysam Rafiei and Bediz, Bekir and Tunç, Lütfi Taner (2024) "Conical-shaped variable stiffness composite laminates: design and fiber path planning", Materials and Design, Vol.244 (SCI)
    Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Serhat, Gökhan and Basdogan, İpek and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "Eigenfrequency optimization of variable stiffness manufacturable laminates using spectral Chebyshev approach and lamination parameters", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.31, No.16, 3595-3606 (SCI)
    Kaur, Amanpreet and Morton, Justin A. and Tyurnina, Anastasia V. and Priyadarshi, Abhinav and Ghorbani, Morteza and Mi, Jiawei and Porfyrakis, Kyriakos and Eskin, Dmitry G. and Tzanakis, Iakovos (2024) "Dual frequency ultrasonic liquid phase exfoliation method for the production of few layer graphene in green solvents", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Vol.108 (SCI)
    Amani, Ehsan and Molaei, Mohammad Bagher and Ghorbani, Morteza (2024) "Novel mixed approximate deconvolution subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulation", Physics of Fluids, Vol.36, No.8 (SCI)
    Ozdilek, Emin Emre and Özçakar, Egecan and Muhtaroglu, Nitel and Simsek, Ugur and Gulcan, Orhan and Kızıltaş, Güllü (2024) "A finite element based homogenization code in python: HomPy", Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.194 (SCI)
    Sadaghiani, Ali and Parizad Benam, Behnam and Akdağ, Osman and Saygan, Samet and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Experimental parametric study on two-phase spray cooling of HEF 7100 using flat spray nozzles", International Journal of Thermofluids, Vol.23 (NA)
    Karacaoğlu, Beyza and Koçer, Anıl Tevfik and İnan, Benan and Bütün, İsmail and Mercimek, Rabia and Ghorbani, Morteza and Koşar, Ali and Balkanlı, Didem (2024) "Microfluidic chip-assisted separation process and post-chip microalgae cultivation for carotenoid production". Published Online First
    Rekuviene, Regina and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Mažeika, Liudas and Samaitis, Vykintas and Jankauskas, Audrius and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Gharıb, Ghazaleh and Muganlı, Zülal and Koşar, Ali (2024) "A review on passive and active anti-icing and de-icing technologies", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.250 (SCI)
    Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Orejon, Daniel and Sefiane, Khellil and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Biphilic functional surfaces for frost prevention and efficient active defrosting". Published Online First
    Maleki, Mohammadamin and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Koşar, Ali and Ghorbani, Morteza (2024) "On the spatio-temporal dynamics of cavitating turbulent shear flow over a microscale backward-facing step: a numerical study", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.177 (SCI)
    Farrokhpour Sani, Saina and Şendur, Kürşat (2024) "Silica aerogel cavity enhancement of spectral reflection from distributed Bragg reflectors with patterned surfaces", Optics Letters, Vol.49, No.13, 3660-3663 (SCI)
    Belur, Muhammed Yavuz and Kefal, Adnan and Abdollahzadeh, Mohammad Amin and Fassois, Spilios D. (2024) "Damage diagnosis of plates and shells through modal parameters reconstruction using inverse finite-element method". Published Online First
    Al-Nadhari, Abdulrahman Saeed Abdulqader and Kheyabani, Aryan and Kefal, Adnan and Topal, Serra and Yıldız, Mehmet (2024) "Effective multiscale structural analysis of thick sandwich structures with 3D woven composite face sheets and a soft core based on coupled micromechanics and refined zigzag theory", Composite Structures, Vol.337 (SCI)
    Abdelrahman, Amr Mustafa and Tebyani, Seyedreza and Rokhsar Talabazar, Farzad and Tabar, Saba Aghdam and Berenji, Nastaran Rahimzadeh and Sheibaniaghdam, Araz and Koyuncu, Ismail and Koşar, Ali and Guven, Huseyin and Ersahin, Mustafa Evren and Ghorbani, Morteza and Ozgun, Hale (2024) "The flow pattern effects of hydrodynamic cavitation on waste activated sludge digestibility", Chemosphere, Vol.357 (SCI)
    Mohammadilooey, Mandana and Parizad Benam, Behnam and Ateş, Ayşenur and Yagcı, Vedat and Çaglar Malyemez, Muhammed and Parlak, Murat and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Multiple hot spot cooling with flow boiling of HFE-7000 in a multichannel pin fin heat sink", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.247 (SCI)
    Keçebaş, Muhammed Ali and Menguc, Pinar and Şendur, Kürşat (2024) "Spectral emissivity profiles for radiative cooling", ACS Applied Optical Materials, Vol.2, No.6, 1010-1024 (NA)
    Bütün, İsmail and Çelik, Süleyman and Dönmez, Koray Bahadır and Yürüm, Alp and Alkan Gürsel, Selmiye and Koşar, Ali (2024) "The effect of current collectors on polymer-based energy-generating units inspired by the electric organs of eels", Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.90, No.Part A (SCI)
    Karimzadehkhoei, Jalal and Sorayani Bafqi, Mohammad Sajad and Dericiler, Kuray and Doustdar, Omid and Saner Okan, Burcu and Koşar, Ali and Sadaghiani, Ali (2024) "Upcycled graphene nanoplatelets integrated fiber-based Janus membranes for enhanced solar-driven interfacial steam generation". Published Online First
    Yousefimiab, Elham and Basoglu, M. F. and Kefal, Adnan (2024) "Peridynamic analysis of thermomechanical effects in fracture toughening mechanisms of stop holes", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.301 (SCI)
    Rekuvienė, Regina and Samaitis, Vykintas and Jankauskas, Audrius and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Saeidiharzand, Shaghayegh and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Early-stage ice detection utilizing high-order ultrasonic guided waves", Sensors, Vol.24, No.9 (SCI)
    Ateş, Ayşenur and Yağcı, Vedat and Malyemez, Muhammed Çağlar and Parlak, Murat and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Flow dynamics characteristics of flow boiling in minichannels with distributed pin fin structures", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.199 (SCI)
    Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Alan, Salih and Yildizdag, M. Erden and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "A novel spectral element method with a higher-order coarse quad meshing approach to design laminated composite panels with arbitrarily shaped cutouts", Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.197 (SCI)
    Samancoğlu, Umut Ege and Koşar, Ali and Cetkin, Erdal (2024) "Optimization of Y-shaped micro-mixers with a mixing chamber for increased mixing efficiency and decreased pressure drop", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.146, No.4 (SCI)
    Kheyabani, Aryan and Ali, Hafiz Qasim and Kefal, Adnan and Yıldız, Mehmet (2024) "Coupling of isogeometric higher-order RZT and parametric HFGMC frameworks for multiscale modeling of sandwich laminates: theory and experimental validation", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.146 (SCI)
    Zoghipour, Pouya and Kefal, Adnan and Yıldız, Mehmet (2024) "Structural analysis of sandwich plates with variable stiffness composite skins and functionally graded cores using refined zig-zag theory". Published Online First
    Sheikhi, Mohammad and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Bediz, Bekir and Tunç, Lütfi Taner (2024) "Design of manufacturable variable stiffness composite laminates using spectral Chebyshev and normalized cut segmentation methods", Composite Structures, Vol.330 (SCI)
    Ozcevik, Birol and Soylemez, Emrecan and Bediz, Bekir and Simsek, Ugur (2024) "Effects of particle damper design parameters on the damping performance of laser powder bed fused structures", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.130, No.7-8, 3917-3928 (SCI)
    Kendibilir, Abdullah and Bilgin, Mahmut Hüdayi and Kefal, Adnan (2024) "Coupling of bond-based peridynamics and continuous density-based topology optimization methods for effective design of three-dimensional structures with discontinuities". Published Online First
    Sharbati, Pouya and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "On the effect of static and dynamic contact angles on humid air condensation heat transfer", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.219 (SCI)
    Balazadeh Koucheh, Amin and Keçebaş, Muhammed Ali and Şendur, Kürşat (2024) "Adjoint-based optimization of dielectric coatings for refractory metals to achieve broadband spectral reflection", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, Vol.41, No.2, A98-A107 (SCI)
    Ayaz, Armaghan and Balazadeh Koucheh, Amin and Şendur, Kürşat (2024) "Broadband-tunable vanadium dioxide (VO2)-based linear optical cavity sensor", Nanomaterials, Vol.14, No.4 (SCI)
    Farrokhpour Sani, Saina and Şendur, Kürşat (2024) "Thermal management of tungsten by spectrally selective thin film optical filters under laser illumination", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.196 (SCI)
    Alan, Salih and Shaban, Nefize and Kızıltaş, Güllü and Bediz, Bekir (2024) "Concurrent stacking sequence and layout optimization of stiffened composite plates using a spectral element method and an index-based optimization technique", Composite Structures, Vol.327 (SCI)
    Kömürcü, Emre and Kefal, Adnan and Abdollahzadeh, M. A. and Basoglu, M. F. and Kısa, Erdal and Yıldız, Mehmet (2024) "Towards composite suspension control arm: conceptual design, structural analysis, laminate optimization, manufacturing, and experimental testing", Composite Structures, Vol.327 (SCI)
    Ebrahimpour Ahmadi, Vahid and Güler, Tayfun and Çelik, Süleyman and Ronshin, Fedor and Serdyukov, Vladimir and Surtaev, Anton and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali (2024) "Effect of mixed wettability surfaces on flow boiling heat transfer at subatmospheric pressures", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.236 (SCI)
    Singh, Madalsa and Yüksel, Tuğçe and Michalek, Jeremy J. and Azevedo, Inês M.L. (2024) "Ensuring greenhouse gas reductions from electric vehicles compared to hybrid gasoline vehicles requires a cleaner U.S. electricity grid", Scientific Reports, Vol.14, No.1 (SCI)
  • Book
    Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Özbey, Arzu and Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad and Koşar, Ali, Nanofluid boiling, Amsterdam: Elsevier, January 2024
  • Papers in Conference Proceedings
    Tola Demirel, Hatice Elif and Bediz, Bekir and Munoa, Jokin and Kilic, Z. Murat, "Investigating the asymmetricity of indexable tool bodies for better chatter resistance", Saklakoğlu, İ. Etem (ed.), 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, UTIS, November 2024, 350-350
    Güvenkaya, Okan Arif and İz, Selim Ahmet and Ünel, Mustafa, "Local path planning with dynamic obstacle avoidance in unstructured environments", 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), IEEE Computer Society, November 2024
    Loulou, Asmaa and Ünel, Mustafa, "RelViTNet: relative camera pose estimation network using vision transformers", 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), IEEE Computer Society, November 2024
    Zemzemoğlu, Muhammed and Ünel, Mustafa, "Thermal inspection and quality assessment for AFP processes via automatic defect detection and segmentation", 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), IEEE Computer Society, November 2024
    Kakolyris, G. K. and Fassois, S. D. and Kefal, Adnan and Belur, Muhammed Yavuz, "Random vibration based robust structural health monitoring for a composite wing-shaped structure under temperature uncertainty: an exploratory study", Desmet, W. and Pluymers, B. and Moens, D. and Del Fresno, Zarza J. (eds.), 31st International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2024 and 10th International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, USD 2024, KU Leuven, Departement Werktuigkunde, September 2024, 3197-3210
    Belur, Muhammed Yavuz and Kefal, Adnan and Fassois, S. D. and Spiliotopoulos, P., "Robust full-field modal testing method for structural health monitoring of aerostructures under random noise", Desmet, W. and Pluymers, B. and Moens, D. and Del Fresno, Zarza J. (eds.), 31st International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2024 and 10th International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, USD 2024, KU Leuven, Departement Werktuigkunde, September 2024, 3185-3196
    Dadashi Farkhandi, Sahar and Yüksel, Tuğçe, "An optimization framework for minimizing the production cost of lithium-ion batteries in electrified vehicles", Aydoğdu, Burak and Bulut, Emre and Kaya, Necmettin (eds.), 11th International Automotive Technologies Congress (OTEKON 2024), Bursa Uludağ University, Engineering Faculty, September 2024, 413-423
    Farea, Shawqi Mohammed Othman and Ünel, Mustafa and Koç, Bahattin, "Defect prediction in directed energy deposition using an ensemble of clustering models", 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, August 2024
    Turan, Berkay Barış and Genç, Emre and Akçığ, İnci Nil and Göztepe, Neslihan and Mumcuoğlu, Mehmet Emin and Ünel, Mustafa, "Detecting high fuel consumption in HDVs with ensemble of anomaly detection models", 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, August 2024
    Farea, Shawqi Mohammed Othman and Mumcuoğlu, Mehmet Emin and Ünel, Mustafa and Mise, Serdar and Ünsal, Simge and Çevik, Enes and Yılmaz, Metin and Köprübaşı, Kerem, "Prediction of failures in air pressure system: a semi-supervised framework based on transformers", 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, August 2024
    Khandar Shahabad, Peiman and Rafiei Anamagh, Mirmeysam and Serhat, Gokhan and Basdogan, İpek and Bediz, Bekir, "Design and fabrication of variable stiffness composite laminates with enhanced dynamic behavior", 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21), GeM - Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering - UMR 6183 - Nantes Université - École Centrale de Nantes - CNRS, July 2024, 524-531
    Mumcuoğlu, Mehmet Emin and Farea, Shawqi Mohammed Othman and Ünel, Mustafa and Mise, Serdar and Unsal, Simge and Cevik, Enes and Yilmaz, Metin and Koprubasi, Kerem, "Air pressure system failures detection using LSTM-autoencoder", IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive (MetroAutomotive), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, June 2024, 82-87
    Farrokhpour Sani, Saina and Şendur, Kürşat, "Cavity enhanced reflection of a DBR for high power laser applications", Lequime, M. and Ristau, D. (eds.), SPIE Optical Systems Design, SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers), June 2024
    Pirouzfam, Niloufar and Şendur, Kürşat, "Core-shell structure filter using phase change material", Andrews, D. L. and Bain, A. J. and Ambrosio, A. (eds.), Nanophotonics X 2024, SPIE, June 2024
    Mohammadilooey, Mandana and Parizad Benam, Behnam and Yaǧcı, Vedat and Malyemez, Muhammed Çaǧlar and Parlak, Murat and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Koşar, Ali, "Experimental study of HFE-7000 flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in a mini channel heat sink for high-power defense applications", 23rd IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), IEEE Computer Society, May 2024
    Hayati, Milad and Türkseven, Melih, "Shape reconstruction of a soft actuator based on Bezier curves using soft strain sensors", IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, April 2024, 977-982
    Saeidfar, Asal and Yeşilyurt, Serhat, "Investigating the transient response of a low Pt-loaded PEMFC under various operating conditions", 15th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2023, Scanditale AB, January 2024