ME Seminar: Challenges in Micro Tool Design and Fabrication

ME Seminar: Challenges in Micro Tool Design and Fabrication

Speaker: Samad Nadimi Bavil Oliaei

Title: Challenges in Micro Tool Design and Fabrication

Date/Time: March 21, 2018  /  12:40-13:30

Place: FENS G015


Abstract: Mechanical micromachining is considered as a cost-effective and efficient fabrication technique of producing three dimensional features and free-form surfaces made from different engineering materials. Micro cutting tools as the enabling technology and integral part of micro cutting operations are exposed to harsh conditions during micromachining operations, which lead to reduced tool life and thus adversely affect the economic feasibility of the process. The real challenge is therefore to maintain the tool rigidity and cutting edge sharpness for extended period of time. Thus, the design, fabrication and durability of micro cutting tools are of significant importance for successful micromachining operations. The intention of this talk is to provide a comprehensive understanding about the capabilities, characteristics, advantages and limitations of different fabrication techniques in the manufacturing of micro cutting tools. State-of-the-art micro cutting tool design and fabrication technology has been presented for various micromachining applications including ductile mode machining of brittle materials.



Contact: Bekir Bediz